Writing Dialogue
Use descriptive words and dialogue tags to bring you writing to life, to fill your characters with emotion.
1. How does this work?
Let's look at the excerpt below and see how it is formatted. What do you notice about how punctuation is used?
From the creative writing Dialogue linked below
Look closely and answer:
1. How do you know when the speaker changes?
2. Which words clue you in to how the characters FEEL?
3. What is the difference between Mandy and Motimer? How do you know?
1. Let's do this (part one)
Here is your first "Let's do this" challenge. Write a dialogue between 2 characters. Begin by listing the 2 characters, and their setting. Then write a dialogue with at least 10 statements. This dialogue should reveal something about the two characters, how they relate to each other, whether or not they know each other, if they have a common interest.
2. Let's do this (part two)
Now you are going to add two more characters, and write a conversation. One new character you will get by reading a dialogue from a classmate and including one of their characters in your conversation. The other character in your conversation will be someone from history or current events. Try to make it a specific person and try to have them speak from their perspective. Have at least 15 statements in this conversation, but try not to stop there, allow the characters to come to life and have their say.