Starting from/with Scratch

Scratch Design Interface from wikicommons

Chances are you have heard of Scratch.  If you haven't, it is a program that allows users to create animations using visual or object driven programming.  Here is an example of a scratch animation to the song "Radioactive," lots of minecraft references here.
I know I want to use this platform with my students and I know that many of the teachers I follow on twitter have used it, but that is the extent of my knowledge.  So now I need to find resources for learning and supporting my students in learning Scratch.  I asked my twitter PLN.  Within 12 minutes I had an awesome collection of resources.
Now comes the real work, digging in and playing hard.  I will post my progress as I go.  Please add your resources in the comments and I will add them to the storify.


Unknown said…
Feel free to take a look at the Scratch lessons that I use for my middle school game design class @

I will tell you that the recently changed the interface (its 2.0 now) and most videos available are for the previous interface. But you get the general idea.