Light in August by William Faulkner

Character list

Oprah's Reading Resources

Open Yale Lectures  (3) Professor Wai Chee Dimock focuses her introductory lecture on Faulkner’s Light in August on the “pagan quality” of his protagonist Lena. She argues that Faulkner uses Lena to update the classic story of the unwed mother by fusing comedy with the epic road novel. In doing so, he also updates the Greek tradition of the kindness of strangers, drawing attention to it through certain stylistic markers, including the “switchability” between the protagonist and her supporting cast, the use of gerunds as a linguistic safe haven for Lena, and the allegorical naming of Byron and Burden as social types with scripted trajectories.

Awesome list of Word Compressions in LiA

Faulkner on Light in August AUDIO

Teaching Faulkner, Awesome Articles

Timeline Assignment

Joe Christmas Timeline on SchmoopLight in August Timeline

A chronology of Light in August


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