Where Would a Robot Fit in my Curriculum?

I will admit that when I see something interesting like a robot, a puppet, or a quadricopter, I begin to wonder “How could I use that as a teaching tool?” I daydream about the learning experiences I could construct around a specific device/ toy/ or idea.  I am still up in the air about what I can teach using a quadricopter, but I am inviting you to think about robots in your curriculum.  
Robots are more accessible to classroom teachers than ever before, and by thinking critically in the early stages of content area integration of robots we can help shape the common classroom use of robots to be something much greater than personal testing robots.
Artist/engineer Christian Croft made a Scantron test-taking robot as part of an art installation. Here's a photo of the machine by Kevin Slavin, used under CC license:  
I think some subjects, like computer science, are such a good fit I will not even address them here.  But math and science are pretty easy goals also.  With a small amount of coding instruction kids are quickly working with real world forces as they program input and measure output.  The Sphero Robot puts lessons like Rate Time and Distance  or this one on mean median and mode within reach of any classroom already using tablet computers for about $60 per robot.  These lessons as well as others are available for free from their SPRK program.

There are not as many ready-made solutions for robot-embedded reading and language arts, yet.  Some of the people I talk to about robots in education don’t see a great fit here.  There is math needed in the writing of programs, even in blockly.  Robots move through the physical world, so they can help illustrate all types of things about science, but can they support language and literacy learning?  

I think they can, and I think the best uses will come from teachers.  The first step is to think about your content in 3 dimensions. Consider a robot-based activity in place of a small group discussion, especially with younger students.  Make the content you want to teach (sequence of events, cause and effect, the importance of setting) the context the robot has to move through or make decisions in.  Maybe the robot has to navigate from a word to its meaning, or through the events of a story in order, or from cause to effect.  The learning happens as kids discuss and engage over the problem the robot has to solve.

What does it take to do this kind of learning school wide? Basic comfort and literacy in blockly code early.  Although you can have some success earlier, most students are ready for the reading challenges in blockly by second grade.  I am sure that as tools become more sophisticated there will be more languages that are text free, opening coding to student who cannot yet read, but can learn the logic behind loops, and functions.

If, as the technology teacher, I make sure all students have experience learning in blockly script through Hopscotch, Tynker and the forthcoming Tickleapp.  I can prepare them for lessons that use hardware, like robots, that are driven by a blockly-style interface.  This puts programming activities that support content area learning in reach of all students.

Maybe your students will learn geometry in Hopscotch, or use Tynker to code a presentation, or use Tickle app to drive a robot through the world of a book you are reading in class.  Blockly style programming makes the advanced logic of programming available without the alienating syntax.
The tools to make this a reality are available today and improving by the hour.  We all need to think together about how to best use these high engagement tools to support content area learning.

What are the opportunities for robot-supported learning you would like to develop in your classroom?
