Listening is your Superpower

by Kathy Kimpel
This week has been challenging because I am working with almost no voice.  As a teacher this is terrifying and debilitating, seriously I use my voice all the time.  I was only half joking when I told a friend that when the puppet man loses his voice it gets real lonely.
I have gotten alot of advice and support from friends and colleagues and even some from the kids, but it has been hard.  
The silver linings of this experience have been few but significant.
1. I can use as much honey as I want in my tea without others judging me.
2. I have been listening much more to colleagues.
When I am excited about what I am learning I like to talk about it and this year I have been really excited about the learning I am doing.  As I have listened to colleagues this week I can really see that many of them are having a tough time with the end of the year.  
As they share their stories or challenges there is little I can do other than to listen and nod, perhaps email a response later.  This is fine as I don't have to solve their challenges or really be a part of them, just to be a witness and acknowledge their reality.  
This is something I don't do enough of.  I try to avoid school site drama and politics, but I need to be careful not to avoid the other people who are struggling with some of these issues.
So today I get ready to lead without a voice again.  I have my bag with throat drops, sprays, allergy pills and honey.  I also have my awareness that this challenge can help me to become a better person and team member.   My strength today is in listening and I am thankful for the team I have as they are always willing to step in and help.
Thanks for listening.

