Review of "The Tech Savvy Administrator"

At 45 pages and approximately 30 minutes to read, I am embarrassed how long I have carried Steven Anderson's "The Tech Savvy Administrator" around in my book bag waiting to get a chance to read and review it.
I settled into the coffee shop this morning, closed my laptop and started reading.  I timed myself.  The whole book cover to cover in 30 minutes with at least 5 minutes playing games and refilling coffee.  It is not a long book, but it might be just long enough to change the way an administrator imagine technology usage in schools.
Like other texts in the Aria series, Anderson aims to level up his audience's holistic understanding while giving clear direction for their learning.
On some level I was thinking of not only my principal, but all of the non-teaching staff at my school while reading this text. Anderson writes for the administrator that does not know what they do not know.  He focuses on general tasks and talks in broad terms about how to use some popular tools to move that task into a context of modern connected tools.

For example, his discussion of social media will not turn the reader into a Twitter superstar, or demystify hashtags, but it will help someone who believes Twitter is silly begin to understand how social media can support a school’s communication and community.

ACSD provided a copy of The Tech Savvy Administrator for review.  The whole series can be found here
