PLN: Power of Play Edition

So I was editing a video and listening to Pandora.  I heard the song "Thrift Shop" was taken by many of the lines like "Ima take your grandpa's style, no for real, can you ask him if I can have has hand me down."  I have alot of grandpa style in my own closet, perhaps less ironicly than before.  I sent one of the lines out to William Chamberlain, a teacher on twitter who is also a pretty talented musician with awesome taste in music.
I used the hashtag "#TwitterSingAlong to indicate that this was a line from a song, the hashtag also indicates an invitation to play.  It is kind of like name that tune, but you are rooting for the person. If you view your twitter as all business than you might want to skip this.  I view my twitter as "all business", but my all-business business isn't all business
I know that in my classroom community, games are important and I enjoy them.  I have been reading about games and gamification this week and I keep coming back to play.  It isn't the game, it is the playing. Everyone playing is engaged in the same game.  Play builds relationships and shapes communities.
William is a very playful guy on twitter and will often play the devil's advocate in twitter chats.
He tweeted back at me a link to the Postmodern JukeBox version of the song I was quoting.  It was so good I played it 3 times before diving into the other videos on that same channel.  They use several different styles, a fun approach to music.
I was so amazed, I sent it on to Andrew.  Andrew has given me some great tips on music over time and I thought he would appreciate it.
 He brought it back with a contemporary cover by Bruce Springsteen
