Using Venn Diagram App in First Grade to Sort Frogs from Toads

CLASS NOTES [Here is a lesson using the great Venn Diagram app by the international reading association from  I had the first graders partner up on an iPad to work together]

Today we are going to make a Venn Diagram with this app, But before we get started lets have Wokka Tell us what a Venn Diagram is.

You have a set of Frog and Toad facts, on a sheet that looks like this:

Open the Venn diagram app by clicking on the link

 Select a new user
 Include both partner names
select an avatar
click continue
 Name your diagram
 Double click the circle label to rename
 Click the label
 type the new name
 click the check mark
 Repeat for the other circle
 Click "New item"
 Type the first item from your list
 Move the item to the correct place on the diagram.
Add the rest of your list items, and place them on the diagram
 Save your work and email it to your teacher.  We will help you with the email address.
