Building your PLN: Twitter Chat

I was just working on the questions for the 48th #PATUE chat.  #PATUE is the chat I began as the Palo Alto Tech Using Educators, I have since co-branded it as the Pedagogy and Technology chat.  I started this chat to build community around the conversation about mindful tech integration.  I have had a great deal of help along the way.  From moderators of other chats welcoming my questions to co-moderators that have helped keeping the conversation going, there have been many hands in building this community.  The greatest debt is the one I owe to the great teachers who show up every week to share their experience and ask critical questions.
illustration by Sam Patterson
If you are more of a blog reader than a twitter chatter I understand.  Chats are often overwhelming and it can feel like the quickest people to respond get heard the most.  Yet, I would encourage any teacher to give a twitter chat a try, and let folks know you are new to chat.  When I started a chat I wanted to use it to connect teachers and ed tech professionals.  I have been lucky enough to do this with regular success.  It isn't always easy getting everything in line for the Tuesday afternoon chat, but there isn't a chat that I have regretted.  In fact I always finish the chat tired and invigorated, my mind spinning with the new ideas and my brain spinning from the interaction.
There are many great chats and I hope you try a few out.  Stop by #PATUE and say hi, we will make you feel welcome and learn from you.  In the end we will all be better for the time we spend together
