Building a Puppet Greenscreen Stage

A little inspiration can go a long way.
When I was traveling to ISTE I saw a short video by Kevin Honeycutt:

While I don't need to build a classroom out of PVC this video planted a seed.  I have thought about it several times and last week when I was on the USS Hornet for the Cue Rockstar camp the idea finally came together.  A greenscreen puppet theater made out of PVC.  My goal is to use PVC to construct the frame and drape green fabric over it.

A sketch:

The materials: 3/4" PVC pipe and joints
4 yards of bright green felt or fleece, needs some fuzziness to avoid reflecting light

The build: I assembled the back frame first, and then the front

I added these for stability
This is the assembled frame

The completed frame:

The chair is there for scale
Covering the frame with Green Felt

Right now the felt is just pinned in place

This is the assembled frame ready for screentest

   This turned out great!
