Thank You Jeff Bliss, the Truth goes Viral

If you have not yet seen the video of high school student Jeff Bliss schooling his world history teacher, you should really check it out.

This video has over a million views and more importantly it has people talking about the importance of high engagement teaching.  

In the video Mr. Bliss is clearly frustrated but makes a really well-reasoned argument.  He makes it clear that when educators are excited about PBL, it doe not mean Packet Based Learning.

Jeff lays it out clearly, if you want kids to learn you have the "touch their heart."

The Washington post has an interview and more of the backstory.

Jeff's rant is a great reminder that students want to learn, students are ready to be inspired.  I didn't see his teacher's name in the news story and I wouldn't repeat it here any way.  The teacher doesn't appear in the video, just a form behind the desk urging Jeff to "just go."

Another odd thing in this video, there is NOTHING on anyone's desk, not even the objectionable "packets."

I wish I could open my classroom to Jeff.  Or invite his teacher into my colleague's history class.  The time we have with kids is so precious, and yes if you want them to learn you have to touch their heart.

Thank you Jeff Bliss, I hope you lead by example and join the ranks of hard working and inspirational teachers.
