Building Your PLN CO-llaborate

I have been so busy building my PLN I have not taken a moment recently to share my journey. As I get to know people I love hearing about what they are working on, and often I find we have overlapping projects. Some of the greatest work I have done online has been the result of connecting with people and accepting invitations to collaborate.

As a teacher I have worked in small progressive environments that encourage teachers to work together and this has been a great experience, but imagine pulling a partner from a pool the size of the internet! I have met some great teachers who have done just that.

The #coflip crew is an amazing COllective of teachers working together to implement flipped instruction in a meaningful way. At the center of this COllective are Andrew and Cheryl. Andrew on the east coast and Cheryl on the west, they plan together each night and they have developed a great supportive community around flipping and collaboration.  We just Launched a website to share the great work that we do:

Another group I am enjoying Collaborating with is my podcsating group. Jeff Bradbury has brought together the EducatorTech podcsat. Jon Samuelson, Jeff Herb, Jeff Bradbury and myself talk about technology, implementation issues and sometimes llamas.  You can find this work on

Twitter is full of invitations, be on the lookout and respond with a "Yes. . . and."
The other evening after the had launched, Cheryl sent an email out to the group and ended with #bettertogether. It warmed my heart.

Give it time, but think about it, collaboration is higher order stuff in the world of social media development.
