Texting and Blogging in Education

PATUE TEXTING and blogging in education
This iPad case has a BT keyboard,
should work w/ iPhone
Can those words and ideas even be in the same sentence?  I am sure that there are many logical arguments against using cell phones in class.
Here's the thing.  All my kids have their phone, everyday.

  • My students don't leave their cell phone at their mother's house during the week they are staying with their father.  
  • My students don't lose their phone for 3 weeks because someone moved it.  
I think you get the picture.  In my school, phone ownership is universal and there are a growing number of smart phones.
patue texting and blogging in education
Yep, the journal prompt was
Why would English class live-stream?
Our school cell phone policy is that no phones can be out during class.  My students use their phones to take pictures of the white board so I can post the journal prompt I wrote by hand on the class blog
One of my students does all of his writing on his iPhone.  I am going to see if I can get him to use a bluetooth keyboard.  His sentences are short and his paragraphs are small, but his ideas don't look underdeveloped on his iPhone.  I am hoping that the keyboard allows him to use the other half of the screen and maybe his writing will get twice as long.
I think I might be showing my hand already.

Let's hear from Teachers and Parents about this in conversation during PATUE CHAT on 11/20 5-6 PST.  Christine from Remind101 and Matt from Kidblog will be our co-moderators for the chat.


Jhnmichle said…
Nowadays, blagging is an important part of our lives. Blogging is an important source of getting information and sharing our thoughts. Whether you're are student or house wife you can search blog. Blogs focus on particular topics such as education, technology, fashion, sports, business, designs etc.

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According to studies, the integration of audio and video recording in music education has been an effective technique to catch the attention and grab the interest of the learners.